
The story of this house says that it was built in 1917 and it was an apple and plum orchard. Records show payment of property tax til 1923. I have tried to find information in between but have not been successful. In 1971 this couple bought the house, which was, by then, divided into 2 apartments, one above and one below with a shared bathroom. By 1979, the couple sold it to a widower with 6 kids, who then turned it into a single unit house again.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Master Bedroom

I have so many ideas for my masterbedroom! One of them is to remove the nasty carpeting there is right now and bring out the life in those 1917 wooden boards on the floor.  If the woodboards are un rescuable, then one can always recurr to the magic of white lacquering.  It is to my understanding that painted wood is colder than oiled wood so I am keeping my fingers crossed so I can do my reviving of the woodboards with oil. The walls would definitely be repainted in either a very light ivory or off
white color.
 I have also thought about putting in a set of sliding doors to make a closet, but then again I can't really make up my mind because of the slanted roof. In my current home I went through the trouble of custom making a closet and gosh was it one big piece of work!
The other idea would be to have some sort of chest drawers of about a meter high from the start of the slanted roof up to where the window is but then the space from the top of the chest of drawers would be wasted...
Something like this perhaps, from our good friends of IKEA...

Jeg har så mange ideer for masterbedroom min! En av dem er å fjerne den ekle teppe som står der akkurat nå og få ut det liv i de 1917 trebord på gulvet. Hvis planker er ikke brukelig, da kan man man alltid gjør den magiske hvit lakkering. Det er til min forstand at malt trevirke er kaldere enn oljet treverk, så jeg holder fingrene krysset slik at jeg kan gjøre mitt gjenopplive av planker med olje. Veggene ville definitivt males i enten en svært lys elfenben eller egg hvit.
Jeg har også tenkt på å sette i et sett med skyvedører å lage et skap, men da igjen jeg kan egentlig ikke  bestemme meg på grunn av skrå taket. I min nåværende hjem gikk jeg gjennom bryet med å lage egendefinerte et skap, og gosh var det en stort stykke arbeid!
Den andre idé ville være å ha en slags kommode skuffer på rundt en meter høy fra starten av skrå taket opp til der vinduet er, men da plass fra toppen av kommoden ville være bortkastet ...
Noe som dette kanskje, fra våre gode venner av IKEA ...

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