
The story of this house says that it was built in 1917 and it was an apple and plum orchard. Records show payment of property tax til 1923. I have tried to find information in between but have not been successful. In 1971 this couple bought the house, which was, by then, divided into 2 apartments, one above and one below with a shared bathroom. By 1979, the couple sold it to a widower with 6 kids, who then turned it into a single unit house again.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's advancing!

OK, så jeg har gitt opp på mitt første proskjekt idee av sliping ned planker fordi noen steder av gulvet var plaget med borrebiller(?) Woodworm. Mange plankene var helt ødelagt. Den opprinnelige fylling var en slags aske med steiner og biter av karbon og masse, mansse jord (kanskje?). Rotete, veldi rotete!

Ok, so I have given up on my initial project of sanding down the woodboards because it happens to be that the house is plagued with woodworm residue and several parts were absolutely destroyed. The initial filling was some sort of ash with stones and pieces of carbon and lots and lots of soil perhaps. Messy!

Når jeg prøvde å fjerne dette noen av de råtne styrene gikk helt gjennom og inn i kjelleren, og etterlot meg med et hull i stua som jeg kunne se ned på.
Det var ikke morsomt og det var ganske stressende.

When trying to remove this some of the rotten boards went all the way through and into the basement, leaving me with a hole in the living room to which I could look down into.
Not a funny sight and I can see that it was rather stressful to see the situation.

Ja, her hvor plankene er bort, kan du se helt ned til kjelleren! De plankene var helt tomt på insida.   This is one of the parts where the wood was completely rotten inside, apparently some sort of woodworm had eaten through the inside and evven though you could see the whole plank, inside it was completely empty! 

På dette stadiet, har all asken og stein er fjernet, den gamle teknikken er borte! og in med ull puter for isolasjon sammen med en 3mm plast som underlag og spon plater som overlag.
At this stage, all the ash and stone has been removed, the old technique is GONE! and in goes the woolly cushions for insulation along with the 3mm plastic and some plates to cover it up.

  Jeg har allerede valgt min Parkett gulv - og dette er en annen dilemma! (Som skal diskuteres senere). Anyways, virker det som jeg vil ha min etasje ved starten av neste uke!

   I have already chosen my parkett floors - and this is another dilemma! (to be discussed later). Anyways, it seems like I will have my floor by the start of next week!!!

1 comment:

  1. Waao what a project! I hope to be in this interesting place soon :)
